Thematic sites
Online resources for historical research.
Thematic sites
Online resources for historical research in medieval, modern and contemporary times and sites dedicated to particular topics:
Established in the autumn of 2005 at the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, it aims to be a place for research, meetings and cultural cooperation in the field of Italian migrations and communities of Italian origin in the world, continuing and expanding, in a network perspective, the research, cultural dissemination, conference and publication work that the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation has carried out since the 1980s. The Centre’s essential working tools are: the journal ‘Altreitalie. Rivista internazionale di studi sulle popolazioni di origine italiana nel mondo’, a six-monthly publication born in 1989 and available on-line since 1996, and the Centro di Documentazione sulle Popolazioni e le Culture Italiane nel Mondo, which manages the three on-line databases of the project “Cerca le tue radici”, within which it is possible to research the lists of the hundreds of thousands of Italians who landed in New York, Buenos Aires and Vitoria (Brazil) at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the library, where a wide and up-to-date selection of volumes, periodicals and other documentation is available to a public of scholars and students.
The Marco Pezzi Historical Archive of the New Left collects materials (newspapers, magazines, posters, documents, leaflets) produced by the New Left organisations and movements from the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s to the present day. The Archive was created in November 1989 following the death of Marco Pezzi, leader of Democrazia Proletaria, on the initiative of his friends and party comrades, who wanted to remember his work and figure by creating an archive named after him.
Online searchable database containing the results of electoral consultations, from overall aggregates down to the details of individual municipalities and, for foreign countries, of individual consulates. The archive contains the results of elections to the Constituent Assembly in 1946, general elections since 1948, European elections since 1979 and general regional election cycles since 1970. All information is taken from documentation held at the Central Directorate of Electoral Services. The archives contain official data on the proclamations of those elected carried out, on the basis of polling station minutes, by the appropriate offices set up, depending on the election, at the Supreme Court, the Appeal Courts or the Courts.
database and accompanying materials (documentary, iconographic, video) related to the census episodes, hosted within the website. The database has catalogued and analysed all the massacres and individual killings of civilians and partisans killed outside the armed clash, committed by German and Italian Social Republic units in Italy after 8 September 1943, starting from the first killings in the South to the massacres of the retreat carried out in Piedmont, Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige in the days following the liberation.
A project created following the dispersal of the documents of the Italian Social Republic at the time of its defeat. The Census was carried out at the local State Archives, at the Institutes for the History of the Resistance and at other organisations that lent their cooperation. At present, it presents the largest part of the known documentary holdings, relating to the organs of the Republican Fascist State, the Republican Fascist Party and its organisations – especially the military ones.
Site created within the framework of the Socrates-Erasmus thematic networks to collect information on the teaching and learning of History and more generally on its role in European culture.
Created in 1991 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., with the aim of providing new sources and access to unpublished documentation for the study of the Cold War.
It is home to the American Family Immigration History Center (AFIHC), which since 2001 has made available online records of the 25 million immigrants to the United States who transited Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924.
Documentation on European integration since 1945 available online.
Conceived and developed by the CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe), it aims to broaden knowledge of the stages of the constitution of a united Europe through a large amount of written, aural and audiovisual documentation.
Site set up in 2005 on the occasion of the bicentenary of Giuseppe Mazzini’s birth with the task of promoting events to celebrate the anniversary. It includes various useful sections: biography, bibliography, iconography, didactics…
Project initiated by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, and supported by a scientific committee composed of some 20 historians from Burkina Faso, Côte d
Service dedicated to the discovery, evaluation and cataloguing of online resources in the humanities. Institutional partners include: Archaeology Data Service, University of York, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, LTSN Centre for English, LTSN Centre for Philosophical Religious Studies, University of London Library, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford.
The history of RAF Bomber Command, its problematic place in post-war British culture, the centrality of the figure of the aviator, the silence on female ground personnel and much more is collected in this archive with more than 100,000 scans of unpublished private documents: drawings, letters, memoirs, diaries, photographs, talismans and souvenir objects, as well as a corpus of almost a thousand oral history interviews.
The brochure edited by Humbul Humanities Hub and the Institute of Historical Research can be consulted and printed in pdf format. In sixteen pages an overview of the major resources available on the internet in the field of historical studies, especially in the Anglo-Saxon sphere.
Educational platform on the Italian Constitution by the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Republic and the Ministry of Education.
It allows you to simultaneously query some of the most important Italian and foreign historical sites via a search engine.
It was created as a natural follow-up to the Institute of Alpine History (ISAlp) created in 2000 under the auspices of the University of Italian Switzerland and the Association for Alpine History (AISA). Since January 2006, the new structure has been located at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio within the Institute for the Contemporary Urban Project (i.CUP). It focuses on the Alpine space, considering its economic, social, cultural, demographic and political aspects. It is symbolically located in a linguistic, cultural and political borderland. In addition to the research projects carried out at the Laboratory and the organisation of symposia, workshops and conferences, as the headquarters of the AISA secretariat it publishes the annual journal Histoire des Alpes History of the Alps Geschichte der Alpen. It houses a library dedicated to the history of the Alps consisting of over a thousand volumes and covering all the geographical areas and languages of the Alpine arc.
Fruit of the collaboration of six European institutions (France, Germany, England, Spain, Belgium, Italy), it offers a search engine for identifying ‘places of memory’ located within the borders of the participating countries. Maps, bibliographies, electronic resources on the World Wars and the Spanish Civil War.
A project set up at the end of 2007 brings together research units of the University Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3, historians of medieval, modern and contemporary times and the Institut international Erasme, MSH Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
The project was born from the encounter between historical research and voluntary work: two non-profit organisations from Modena, operating in Ethiopia, Moxa and Hewo, commissioned a university lecturer, Paolo Bertella Farnetti, to carry out historical research on the experience of Modenese people who had participated in the Italian colonial adventure in the Horn of Africa. It was an unusual way to reflect on the meaning of their mission, to reason about today’s solidarity by comparing it with past aggression, when the Italians had brought war, occupation and repression to Africa. With funding from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, the initiative took the form of a highly successful exhibition, divided into two sections – Modena-Addis Ababa round trip – and two publications. Thanks to a public appeal that received a generous response, a remarkable heritage of historical memory, especially visual, emerged from Modena’s attics and drawers: photographs organised in albums and loose, a few diaries, letters and other memorabilia.
Memorieincammino stems from the desire to represent, through sources and places, the great wealth of Italian memories inherent in the history of the early 20th century. Fascism, anti-fascism, the Second World War, deportation and the Resistance are the themes around which the project revolves, in an ideal chronological segment that goes from 1922 to 1945. The Cervi Institute, together with memorieincammino’s main partner Cassa Padana BCC, has interpreted this need through an ambitious online multimedia platform, which represents a technological turning point in the way users can enjoy historical content. is not an archive of documents, but respects its methodological rigour. Rather, it is a virtual experience through history and places, a journey through biographies, events, themes and above all historical sources closely linked to the territories of origin.
A rich set of materials, navigable through three main environments (Themes, Territory, Places) and three monographic service sections (Chronology, Dictionary, Bibliography), which aims to contribute to enhancing the historical and cultural heritage of the Lazio region. The pathway has been realised with the funding and contribution of the General Directorate for Libraries and Cultural Institutes and the Central Institute for the Single Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU) within the framework of the Cultural Internet portal.
Multimedia portal on the War of Liberation edited by the Rome Anpi.
Initiative started in 1998 (and online since 2000) by a group of scholars from the Universities of Florence, Naples, Palermo, Venice and Verona. A network of correspondents from various Italian and foreign locations has been active since 2004. RM proposes itself as a realisation with a high scientific and informative content, and offers texts, working tools, historiographical reflections, in a main but not exclusive relation with the current orientations of Italian research and teaching practice.
Project on the Italian Risorgimento started in 2003, fed mainly by contributions from the interested community. Offers a bilingual platform for Italian and German research: press reviews, bibliographies, reviews, source documentation (1820-21 publicities), critical link catalog.
Up-to-date directory of reports and descriptions of web sites selected by Italian librarians, of general interest, with open access and preferably in Italian. Web resources are organized by topic, by alphabetical order of titles, and can also be searched using the engine.
Portal of Italian history sites. The writing of the texts and the organization of the site is taken care of by the Anpi of Rome and the Telematic Center for Contemporary History, in collaboration with the City of Rome.
Edited by the Computer and Telematics Sector of the Department of Historical and Geographical Studies of the University of Florence, established in 1999, organizes seminars and meetings dedicated to digital applications to historical, geographical and archaeological research.
The project promotes research for the study of Cold War history through digitized documentation from Soviet and U.S. archives, bibliographies, audiovisuals, and guides to electronic resources. The site also offers a selection of articles from the Journal of Cold War Studies.
Through a path of research, the site aims to reconstruct the contribution of Fidentinians to the Liberation movement in the light of the new themes of historiographical debate and, starting from the analysis of the events that affected the local community, it investigates the legacies of clandestine antifascism, the question of the choice of a generation that grew up under fascism, the link between armed and unarmed struggle, the role of populations in the dynamics of total war, the interpretation of the partisan struggle as a conflict with multiple facets, and the difficult relationship with the Allied commands. Now, accompanied and enriched by numerous photographs and reproductions of archival documents, these pages are intended to take advantage of the richness and stimuli of multimedia to address above all the world of schools, teachers and students, offering them the possibility of entering into the mechanisms of historical research, interweaving the narration of events with archival documentation and testimonies. Although the events narrated are linked to a historical-chronological outline, the user is left with ample opportunities to choose cross-readings, to juxtapose and compare distant contents, thus creating different paths that everyone can select and personalize.
The association Amici di Ventunesimo Secolo, established in 2004 to support the scientific experience of the International Center for Transition Studies – ICETS of Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, carries out activities of public reflection through the conception and organization of conferences, round tables and cycles of seminars, animated by personalities from the world of research, politics and institutions. The results of research activities on transitions are disseminated through traditional publishing tools, including the journal of political history Ventunesimo Secolo, edited by Gaetano Quagliariello and Victor Zaslavsky, and the series of studies Le Ragioni degli Storici.
It is a member of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, and is concerned with the acquisition, organization, and use of information sources relating to Western European countries from prehistory to the present.
Index of web resources in the field of historical studies maintained since 1993 by a large group of academics, who give a critical evaluation of links following criteria inspired by the search for quality.