For the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy

For the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy


Free and generous sisters. ‘La donna italiana’, 1848, edited by Rosanna De Longis and Paola Gioia, Rome, Biblink, 2011, 128 p., ill.

Frontispiece, Index and introductory essay by Rosanna De Longis, ‘Donne da voi non poco la patria aspetta’: un giornale romano per le italiane


The first example of a political press for women, ‘La donna italiana’ was published in Rome from April to November 1848 at a decisive moment in the Risorgimento process, and identified in the female public a sensitive and passionate interlocutor, ready to make an active contribution to the fight for the country’s independence.

A political workshop for Italy. The Roman Republic of 1849, edited by Lauro Rossi, Rome, Biblink, 2011, 206 p., ill. Frontispiece Index
Review of ‘Academies and Libraries’ The places, the events, the protagonists, the memory: rich in essays, documents and images, this volume reconstructs that true workshop for national building that was the Roman Republic of 1849. A brief experience that left an extraordinary heritage, to be known and appreciated in order to rediscover those values without which it was not possible, at the time, to build the nation and without which a social and civil coexistence worthy of the name appears difficult today.