
Institutional and academic sites offering documentation for the study of national and international constitutional history.

Edited by the Emilia-Romagna Region, it offers a rich photo gallery of digitised documents, such as the first pages from June 1946 to December 1947 of ‘Il Giornale dell

Edited by the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Turin, the site is divided into five sections: Archive of Historical Constitutions; collection of political, literary, etc. documents of constitutional relevance; annotated bibliographies and analytical entries on topics of interest for constitutional law; most significant Sardinian-Piedmontese legislation from the period 1848-1861; cataloguing of Constitutional Court rulings according to the topics used.

Audiovisual and digital documents collected by the Fondazione Camera dei Deputati on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the election of the Constituent Assembly and the beginning of the work that would lead, in December 1947, to the approval of the Republican Constitution.

Established in 1985 on the initiative of a group of scholars with the aim of fostering the deepening of the study and teaching methods of constitutional law by promoting and coordinating meetings between scholars and collective research, it is a member of the International Association of Constitutional Law. In the Materials section it collects, among other things, the texts of the major foreign constitutions.

The Centre aims to promote university research in the field of comparative constitutional law, to study the evolution of constitutional systems, with particular reference to European, North American and Ibero-American systems and to promote international scientific cooperation between centres and associations. Services include links in electronic format to current international constitutions.