Biographies, bibliographies and databases

Biographies, bibliographies, and thematic message boards online

Edited by an avid scholar of Italian railway history, it is an up-to-date, quick reference resource for researchers, scholars, or just railroad enthusiasts. It contains over 11,000 bibliographical entries describing printed works (monographs, articles, excerpts…) by Italian authors concerning Italian railways or foreign authors and foreign authors concerning Italian railways, published from 1824 to the present.

Searchable database based on international bibliographic criteria that includes titles already included in the volumes “Gramscian Bibliography: 1922-1988” and “Gramscian Bibliography: Supplement Updated to 1993.” It currently counts more than 16,000 titles.

Reports documents concerning Rome from the Middle Ages to the present day, published since 1999. The project began in 1994 as a result of cooperation between scientific and cultural institutions based in Rome and has already produced a retrospective bibliography, in paper and CD-Rom versions, containing 10011 bibliographical records: Bibliografia romana 1989-1998, Città di Castello, Edimond, 2004. Reported documents (monographs, articles, contributions in polygraphic works) are identified by searching the catalogs of participating institutions, perusing periodicals and polygraphic works, and querying general and specialized bibliographic databases.

Annual census of historiographical production published in Italy, including in foreign languages, including works in volumes (monographs and conference proceedings), and articles contained in specialized journals. The National Historical Bibliography, one of the oldest of its kind, covers the entire chronological spectrum from Prehistory to Contemporary History constituting an archive of Italian historiographic memory. Since the year 1939, which constituted the subject of the first volume (which appeared in 1942), the Bibliography has come out continuously, reaching the sixty-first year of the series with the volume released in 2001 concerning the historiographical production of 1999. Beginning with the perusal concerning the 2000 historiographical production, the BSN is accessible online.

The Bibliographical Bulletin, published as a column in the pages of the periodical Nuova Rivista Storica since its first issue, aims to highlight works of historical interest that have reached the editorial office, with a brief mention of their contents. As of the 2009 issue, this column no longer appears in the pages of the printed edition of the journal, but is offered to readers exclusively on the website.

This database is a bibliography and digital library on the Italian Parliament and Italian political elections from 1848 to the present day. It includes not only legal studies but also studies from a political, historical and sociological perspective and is organised on the basis of a classification scheme of more than 100 classes, arranged in seven major areas. Since 2002, it also reports documents that can be found on the main legal websites.

The work illustrates the lives and works of Italians and Italians who, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the present day, have left their mark on the artistic, cultural, political, religious, scientific and social history of Italy.

Database with the personal data, presences, movements, of the almost ten thousand ‘invisible’ foreign Jews living in Italy, locked up in camps or exiled, and the record of the fate they met. The site contains many transcribed archive documents and in-depth studies, taken from the pages of fundamental texts, to provide indispensable information to situate in history the vicissitudes of the thousands of people whose names are contained in the database.

The bibliography is compiled on the basis of documentary materials preserved by the Center for Jewish History’s partner organisations: American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS), American Sephardi Federation (ASF), Leo Baeck Institute (LBI), Yeshiva University Museum (YUM), YIVO -Institute for Jewish Research. The archival collections include primary sources, mostly unpublished: diaries and memoirs, correspondence, artefacts, lists (deportations, survivors, persons), for the period from the late 1920s to the late 1950s.

Extensive project involving the publication of biographical directories of senators of the Kingdom and the Republic in three volumes, the first two dedicated to the liberal and fascist periods, the third to republican Italy up to 1983, the year in which the database of senators was created with the introduction of automation.

The most comprehensive on-line legal database, largely aimed at Italian universities and public administrations, produced in cooperation with CASPUR, infoLEGES and ITTIG.

Database of the German military presence in Italy consists of more than 16,000 entries. The data collection was conducted from the year 2000 by Carlo Gentile on behalf of the German Historical Institute in Rome. The materials come from the Deutsche Dienststelle in Berlin and the Bundesarchiv-Militararchiv in Freiburg. The database also contains over 5,000 records from paper documents taken from the fonds of the army, air force, navy, SS, police and the Zentralnachweisstelle.

The Library of Modern and Contemporary History in Rome possesses a unique and very rich collection of materials relating to the Roman Republic of 1849. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Library has brought together the most representative part of these materials (newspapers, pamphlets, announcements and flyers, manuscripts, the fund collected by the historian Giuseppe Spada) in a database containing more than 30,000 images, taken from documents that were hitherto difficult to find, but of fundamental importance for historical studies on the period between 1846 (the date of Pius IX’s election to the papal throne) and 1852.

A research project curated by Prof. Patrizia Zambon (University of Padua, Department of Italian Studies), it offers a comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography of and on the basic Italian women writers of the 19th and 20th centuries.

A project promoted by the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romagna and started in 2000, it now consists of a large online database of more than 12,000 political and social posters from different collections, dating from the early 20th century to the present day. The database offers a vast exemplification of the national and international production of political and social communication on paper: from the historical posters of electoral propaganda to the creative freedom of the movements at the beginning of the millennium, from the communication of local authorities to the testimonies of Latin America and many European countries, from the works of some of the major international graphic studios to the self-productions of youth movements.

The database includes the entire state regulatory archive (laws, decrees-laws, legislative decrees, other numbered acts) since the birth of the Republic, estimated at approximately 75,000 acts to date.

The bibliography includes all publications on gender studies and equal opportunities held by the University of Pisa libraries and published from 1990 to the end of 2007. The total number of bibliographic citations is 1516. Three indexes are available, one for authors, one for thesis authors and one for rapporteurs.

Bibliographical database created by La casa de l’est (House of Central and Eastern Europe) in Barcelona to disseminate existing publications (especially in Hispanic languages) on Central and Eastern European societies and cultures.