Current periodicals

The Library maintains collections, mostly complete, of the current periodicals listed below, in paper and/or digital format.

For some publications only the indexes are available online (click on the title), for others the full text (indicated by the acronym FT) can be consulted online, exclusively from the workstations on site.

In addition, the Library is subscribed to three important databases:
Project Muse
Jstor (accesso consentito fino ai 5 anni precedenti a quello in corso)
Historical Abstracts with Full Text (access allowed up to the year preceding the current one)
Overall, they offer the possibility of searching by author, title, subject, keyword in over 3000 periodicals. For the Jstor and Project Muse databases, research is also permitted from home and the full-text is visible and downloadable only from the Library workstations.
For the Historical Abstracts with Full Text database, both research and consultation of the full-text is possible only on site.
It is also possible to consult in digital format, on the website of the National Central Library of Rome, some national periodicals and on the library websiteGino Bianco some important magazines such as Quaderni rossi, Quindici, Critica sociale, Lotta continua settimanale, etc..

FT = “Full text”

MUSE 2003-
Editore 2005-
Archivio Noi Donne 1944/45-
Archivio Pagine ebraiche (Dossier) 2009-
Torrossa 2017-
RivisteW 2010-2015
Archivio Il politico 2014-
Archivio Popolazione e storia  2007-
Dukeupress-Archivio PC 1988-
Archivio Rapporto 2001-
Archivio Notizie AS 1941-1954 | Archivio Rassegna AS 1955-2016
Archivio Reset (Dossier) 2012-
Istituto Storico Salesiano-Archivio RSS 1988-
Torrossa 2015-
Accademia Georgofili-Archivio RSA 1961-
Esercito italiano-Archivio RM 1856-1918;1927-1933;1975-2008
Archivio StoricaMente 2005-
Istituto nazionale Studi romani-Archivio SR 1953-2009
Torrossa 2018-
Archivio L'Unità 1946-2014